Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Hm. I suppose I should stick up one last post before I abandon this entirely. Just as an update. A lastdate, if you will. Anyway.

As you may have guessed, nothing in this blog ever came to anything. Not even the blog. The Lion forgot about it (and, if I'm honest so did I), and the Hobbit went off to join the Army, giving up Warhammer on the way. So that went well.

The Steel Wardens never materialised. The Hobbit had no firm plans for anything, and so that project sank into the abyss. Neither did the Imperial Fists 5th or Eldar. Or Tau. Or Space Wolves. Ho hum.

The Chimera turned out to be an un-rebuildable waste of a tenner. That ended up being cut up for scrap and bitz. So a vaguely happy ending, if not for the Chimera. Bits of it now adorn most of the armoured units in my army.

I think the Lion has given up this uber-expensive hobby of ours. I don't care enough to ask.

On a lighter note, the 241st Catachan go from strength to strength. A new Chimera and  most of a Wyvern (its been a bugger to finish) take the place of the useless Valkyrie (which may reappear) and the Medusa, which fell to bits. I hate Forge World. I do, however, have a Chimera chassis now going spare, so we'll see what that comes to. A Manticore also sits in reserve, as well as a converted Leman Russ with a Chimera turret from the scrapped one, which I have no idea what the hell to do with. A 5 man squad of Militarum Tempestus Stormtroopers has also joined my ranks. They look awesome.

iPod camera, sue me.

That's it. Nothing more to say but thanks for the views. Bye.

Exiled Man