Sunday, 14 July 2013

Space Wolves

Hello all

After a long time of thinking of a new army I have decided to start space wolves. Here are some of my men (and wolves) I have at the moment.

Thanks for reading
The Hobbit

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Idea for paint scheme

Hello all

I have found a paint scheme.

It may be for dwarfs but it wourld work well.

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Friday, 28 June 2013

Chimera Rebuild Part 1.5: Joint Project.

'sup Blogger!

Yeah, as the Hobbit said in his blog, this rebuild is actually going to be a joint project between me and the Hobbit.

The reason for this is that the Steel Wardens'll need a cool-ass transport and what better than a Chimera that we have both been played a part in!?

We're still getting the details sorted out, but I was thinking that Hobbit could handle the painting and I do the rebuild.

Exiled Man

Kanledor Steel Wardens joint project

Hola bloggers

Me and Exiled Man are now doing a conjoined army. I did mention this a couple of days ago. There are already models involved on this project. They are a chimera,  a command squad and some cadians.

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Chimera Rebuild: Part 1 - Prologue

'sup Blogger, it's your favourite procrastinator, Exiled Man

As you may have noticed from the title, I'm starting a bit of a series, albeit a rather irregular one.

A couple of days ago, someone came to our Warhammer club with a list of cheap models one of their friends relatives was selling off after their son had failed to really get into the hobby.
Nothing on the list really interested me, except a last gen Guard Chimera for £10. Being a tank nutter, I thought it through for all of 4 seconds and put my name down.

Yes, it was crap.

Don't laugh.

Whoever built it must have been incapable of reading instructions. Side panels were glued upside down, the tracks barely fit and the hull was a mess. I had half a mind to throw it in the bin, but decided not to, figuring it would at least make good blog material.

So, from today, I will be starting a new series, charting my path as I rebuild the damn thing. Without instructions. Doubtless, my new project will be filled with frustrations and stoppers but what the hell, I need another Chimera.

Stay tuned,

Exiled Man

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Army Projects

Hello all

I thought that I would update you on my current army projects. They are: The Red Corsairs and The Kaneldor Steel Wardens ( A regiment of my own creation). I will update on what the regiments history and other information.

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Monday, 24 June 2013


Hello all

First of all I would like to aplogise dor not blogging for a while.

In other news Apocalypse is coming. I don't know about you but I am exicted because of new tanks ( baneblade) so it shall be amazing.

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Friday, 7 June 2013

The 241st Catachan

Hey Blogger, Exiled Man here

I said a while ago that I would post pictures of my Guard as soon as I got access to a laptop. I've got a laptop, so here they are!

All the pictures were taken with a quite rubbish camera, so aren't the best in the world. As you can see I have a medium size sort of army (I've some that are a LOT bigger) and only a few are painted, due top the fact that I'm more interested in actually playing than painting. Safe to say, it annoys the Hobbit.

Exiled Man

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


I guess we have some explaining to do...

Greetings Blogger, it is I, Exiled Man.

I am here to put your mind at rest: we're not dead. We are, however,  exhausted. I and the Hobbit have been having to do a goddam ton of revision for Science GCSEs, so have not had the time to dedicate to blogging.

So, catch up

I acquired a Forge World Armageddon Pattern kit whilst at Warhammer World for the School League   semi-finals. We didn't get through. This is partly my fault for not getting my army painted up (Hobbit was close to killing me) and partly because the other teams were, quite honestly, a lot better than us.
Anyway, Medusa. It was a bloody nightmare to build. Put me right off FG kits. Mis-cast, no instructions, hard to put together... Need I go on? It's only saving graces is that it looks awesome and is utterly fantastic against pretty much any thing. Strength 10, AP 2 is nothing to laugh at. So Much Fun. I have also kit-bashed a Master of Ordnance for use in smaller games. Various bits and pieces from tank commander kits equals 30 points for a Strength 9 AP 3 shot. Yippee.

So, that's my update done. I'll pester the Hobbit to get his done


Exiled Man

Hola Bloggers we are back!!

Hello all First of all I would like to apologise for not bloging for a while because we have had exams I am thinking about starting a Vostroyan First Born regiment or a Eldar army If you could help me choose it would be widely appreciated Thanks for reading The Hobbit

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Tactical Marine 1

I have began the creation of my imperial fists 5th company.

Going through my bits box i have managed to build a tactical marine with a bolter. This Friday I shall be able to build a Sternguard veteran Sergeant as some one at our club at school is giving me some bits to create Sergeant Krusador

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Monday, 29 April 2013

Imperial Fists Army List

Hello all

The other day i said i would post my list and here it is

total 100pts

Tactical squad
plasma cannon
total 220pts

Scout squad
5 camo cloaks
4 sniper rifles
1 missile launcher
total 100pts

Sternguard veteran squad
total 130pts

Fast attack
Attack bike
multi melta
total 50pts

Total list 600pts

I would appreciate any help

The Hobbit

Friday, 26 April 2013

Imperial Fists

Hello all

I have decided on my space marine chapter THE IMPERIAL FISTS. I decided on them as they are yellow.

The list shall be posted in a few days.

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Space Marines

Hello all

I apologise for not posting for the last few days as I have been making a new army list and playing in school league. Which by the way we came 11 out of 30 and this means that we were one place of qualifying for national final.

In a few days I shall post my army list

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Saturday, 20 April 2013

The world of Elys'esa

Hello all

A couple of days ago I posted about my custom tau sept/ colony and i am stuck on camo idea's.
My following idea's are:
- City
- Jungle/ Swamp
- Snow
- Desert

or you could give me some idea's for a world

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Thursday, 18 April 2013


Hello all

If you have read our army projects you would of seen that I do not play fantasy. I am thinking of joining the world of fantasy but I am not sure which army to got for these are my possible choices:
- Lizardmen
- Warriors of chaos
- Dwarfs
- High Elves

But I am thinking of doing a Guardians of the Covenant allied detachment with my Tau Empire.

Thanks for reading and I would appreciate any help on which to choose

The Hobbit

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Painting Begins!

Good news, friends! I have begun painting my Imperial Guard! (Insert triumphant fanfare here) As you may know, the Hobbit has been threatening to eat me unless I start painting, so I am glad to have started! I have decided to go with a long-at-war theme, so Boltgun Metal drybrushing, lots  of back packs and bandoliers and a fair amount of scars will be abundant! Pictures will be posted as soon as I get access to a laptop.


Exiled Man

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tau Evolution Debate- Join me!

Hello Friends, it is I- the lion!!!

I realise that this is my first post, but never the less. I hope to start a chain of debates. Join me as we uncover secrets unheard of for generations; and some amazing bio's!!!

So: why did the tau have such a rapid evolution?

The 40k army: Tau Empire. Has had it 6th edition release 2 weeks ago. I have had a tau army for 2 years now and they are constantly bless me with swift victories!!! I have not had a defeat with them to this day, as far as I can recall. But more to the point, how did they do rapidly evolved. Before this rapid evolution there was a warp storm that engulfed their home world. My hypothesis Is that their evolution is a vigorous Daemonic Mutation. But what do you think??? Give me thoughts!


Marauders inspiration

Hello all

After looking at the skyrim website and some of there art i thought why not try to make a marauder unit which has been heavily converted to look like something out of skyrim

In other news in the last 24 hours we reached 1000 views

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Monday, 15 April 2013

Nearing 1000!

Hello all

We are now off 1000 by 8 which considering we are only a few weeks old this is a huge achievement I think this is good for this

Thanks for reading 

The Hobbit

Friday, 12 April 2013

The Tau of Elys'esa

Hello all

I have finally come up with my sept/ colony

It is a colony of Elys'eir so I shall be using there:

-Sept Colour: Purple

-Sept Logo:
Elsy'eir Sept Symbol.png

-Camouflage: Jungle/ Death World

Hopefully soon I shall be able to put some pictures of them up soon

Thanks for reading

The Hobbit

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Tau Empire begins

Hello all

Today I have managed to create 2 fire warriors, 1 gun drone and 1 shield drone.

I am now trying to work out a new army list

Thank you all

The Hobbit

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Kroot

Hello all

After reading the kroot information in the new tau empire codex I started to think why not try to make a entire non fire caste army and that would mean the following units:
- 2 Ethereals to lead lead
- 6 Kroot carnivore squads fully kitted out with everything
- 3 Vespid stingwings squads fully kitted out

And nothing elce

Thanks you for reading

The Hobbit

Near 1000!

Hello Blogger, It is I, Exiled Man, and I bring exciting news. On the past couple of days we have reached over 750 views! Amazing! Thanks are due to Faiet 212 for mentioning us on their blog. In other news, I am still without a painted Imperial Guard army. I have the distinct feeling the Hobbit is going to eat my ankles if I do not paint them, so a comment about which of the new-ish Citadel paints most matches Catachan Green would be appreciated.
Exiled Man

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Codex arrives!

Codex: Tau Empire

Hello all

I apologise for not posting for the last few days I have been doing a variety of different things.

But something more important has happened MY TAU EMPIRE CODEX ARRIVED!!

So after reading it in detail I am trying to make a decision:
- The tau of N'dras or
- A T'au colony or
- A completely different sept of my own making

Thank for reading this

The Hobbit

Friday, 5 April 2013

Our First Landmark

Hello all

In the last 24 hours we have reached our first landmark THE BIG 100. 

Considering this only our 4th day of our blog this is a huge achievement.

Now to the next 100 and beyond!

The Hobbit

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Greetings Blogger. I do not believe we have met. I am a man, and am assisting the Hobbit with his Blog. I will post occasionally about my exploits throughout the 40k universe. I play Imperial Guard and Space Marines. Follow our progress, it could be amusing. Hobbit will not shut up about me painting my Guardsmen though, so I may get annoyed with him very quickly .


Exiled Man

The Tau of N'dras

Hello all

I have decided on my tau empire sept: The sept of N'dras

There sept logo: 
N'dras Sept Symbol.png

The sept background: N'dras is a Tau sept world and a second phase colony. For unkown reasons, this world was voluntarily abandoned by the Tau. The few remaining Tau are regarded as being untrustworthy and are generally of quick temper and of brooding countenance.

Thank you all

The Hobbit

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Tau Empire

Hello all

I have experienced something unique yesterday hobbit feet are hairy and don't mix well with computer cooling fans. My feet are now hairless.

In other news I have just ordered the new Tau Empire codex.

The Hobbit

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Entering the blogger world

Day 1: I have entered this mysterious world of blogger and I am not what I should do. Maybe blog or look at others

The Hobbit